Coming soon: ZONE -documentary film, featuring Aki Cederberg, Martin Locker, Richard Stanley et al.
ZONE’s crowdfunding campaign is open until 31.3.2025, accessible via the link below:
Aki Cederberg on Helsinkiläinen kirjailija, muusikko ja elokuvantekijä. Cederbergin suvussa on merimiehiä, pappeja ja lääkäreitä, mistä ehkä juontuu hänen vaellusviettinsä ja monet hänen mielenkiinnon kohteistaan, joiden jäljillä hän on matkustanut laajasti. Cederberg on kirjoittanut kirjan Pyhiinvaellus: Matkalla Intiassa ja Nepalissa (Salakirjat 2013) ja hänen kirjoituksiaan on julkaistu mm. The Fenris Wolf kirja-antologioissa, sekä muissa julkaisuissa ja lehdissä. Hän on ollut osana yhtyeitä joiden kanssa hän on julkaissut levyjä, järjestänyt näyttelyitä ja esiintynyt eri maissa. Hänen osana Halo Manash yhtyettä tekemänsä elokuva Taiwaskivi on julkaistu DVD-kokoelmalla "Back to Human Nature" Njuta Films toimesta. Cederberg on myös osa Radio Wyrd podcastia. Cederbergillä on kulttuurialan tutkinto ja hän työskentelee kirjoittamisen ja elokuvatuotannon parissa. Hän asuu Helsingissä ja harrastaa nyrkkeilyä.
Tämä sivusto kokoaa yhteen Cederbergin kirjoitukset, matkat sekä meneillään olevat työt.
Aki Cederberg is a writer, musician and filmmaker from Helsinki, Finland. Coming from a hereditary line of seamen, priests and doctors, his disposition and many of his interests and passions can perhaps be derived from these ancestral streaks. Relating to his engagement with various esoteric traditions and realms of knowledge and culture of which he has sought first-hand experience, as well as his interest in sites of mythological or historical significance both ancient and modern, he has travelled extensively. Cederberg has written a book published in finnish language titled Pyhiinvaellus ("Pilgrimage", Salakirjat 2013), as well as contributed to The Fenris Wolf book anthologies and several other publications. He has been part of several musical groups, with whom he has released albums and films, as well as conducted exhibitions and tours both in his homeland and abroad. The film Taiwaskivi, made as part of Halo Manash, was released on the DVD-collection ”Back to Human Nature!” (Njuta Films). Cederberg is also a part of the Radio Wyrd podcast. He has a Bachelor of Culture and Arts (directing and scriptwriting) and currently works in writing and film production. He lives in Helsinki, and enjoys boxing.
This website functions as a resource on his writings, travels and current works.
Coming soon: ZONE -documentary film, featuring Aki Cederberg, Martin Locker, Richard Stanley et al.
ZONE’s crowdfunding campaign is open until 31.3.2025, accessible via the link below:
It is the hidden source of cultural vitality and a mysterious wellspring of renewal.
Part travelogue, part memoir, and part spiritual autobiography, Holy Europe is the story of one man's quest in search of the holiness that still abides in the land of his birth: in sacrificial groves and grottoes, sacred trees and ancient monuments, runestones, and inspired works of art and architecture created by the visionaries of recent centuries. These are the reservoirs of an age-old tradition of holiness that could rejuvenate European culture, opening the hearts and enlivening the spirits of her wayward sons and daughters.
Idealistic and irreverent, heartfelt and witty, Holy Europe is a guided tour through the secret histories of a continent. As the distillation of the author's journeys over many years, this impressive compendium of word and image represents a timely and poetic clarion call.
AKI CEDERBERG was born in Helsinki, Finland. His first book Journeys in the Kali Yuga (Inner Traditions, 2017) chronicled his travels to discover the unbroken magical traditions of the East. Aki conducts rites and rituals in accord with Finnic spiritual tradition, and is chief editor of Porvoon Kipinä, a magazine focusing on esotericism, history, art, and culture.
Holy Europe is illustrated with photographs taken by the author's wife and traveling companion JUSTINE CEDERBERG.
Available now via:
Arcana Europa Media & Amazon
A new conversation about ‘Holy Europe’ with Borja Villalonga, aka the Modern Platonist, a historian and scholar of religion – is available on Youtube:
‘Holy Europe’ by Aki Cederberg is published by Arcana Europa and can be ordered via Amazon.
I was a guest on Miguel Conner’s Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio to discuss ”The Cathars and Hermetic Europe” and numerous other topics related to my book HOLY EUROPE.
HOLY EUROPE can be ordered on Amazon:
Mėnuo Juodaragis — Kiitos / Thank you
I was honored to give a presentation of HOLY EUROPE at the 24th and final Mėnuo Juodaragis.
I want to thank those present, the oranizers of MJR, the publisher, and all friends both old and new.
What began by the sacred fire at the great oak now ends, but we carry some of its flame forward.
Signed copies of Holy Europe are available in the shop Ragainė in Vilnius, Lithuania:
Šių metų Mėnesio Juodaragio festivalyje paties autoriaus pristatyta knyga "Holy Europe" pasiekė Ragainės lentynas. Tai suomių tyrinėtojo Aki Cederberg solidus 382 psl. veikalas, ką tik išleistas leidykloje "Arcana Europa".
Iš dalies kelionių aprašymas, iš dalies memuarai ir tuo pačiu dvasinė autobiografija - "Šventoji Europa" yra ir kelionių žinynas, ir istorija apie ieškojimą šventumo, kuris tebegyvuoja įvairiuose Europos kraštuose. Čia aprašomos šventosios giraitės, alkai, senovės paminklai, šventi medžiai, runų akmenys, įkvėpimo kupini meno ir architektūros kūriniai. Knygoje aprašytos ir Lietuvos šventvietės. Tai per daugelį amžių sukauptos tradicijų ir šventumo saugyklos, slaptas šaltoinis, galintis atgaivinti Europos kultūrą, jos sūnų ir dukterų dvasią.
Idealistinė ir alternatyvi, nuoširdi ir šmaikšti - ši knyga yra kelionė po slaptą Senojo žemyno istoriją. Ji iliustruota autoriaus žmonos ir kelionių palydovės Justine Cederberg nuotraukomis.
AKI CEDERBERG gimė Helsinkyje, Suomijoje. Pirmojoje jo knygoje "Journeys in the Kali Yuga" (Inner Traditions, 2017) užfiksuotos kelionės, kurių metu jis atrado iki šių dienų išlikusias magiškas Rytų tradicijas. Aki atlieka apeigas pagal suomių dvasinę tradiciją, yra vyriausiasis ezoterinio kultūrinio žurnalo "Porvoon Kipina" redaktorius.
Ragainėje turime keletą egzempliorių su autoriaus autografais. Kviečiame įsigyti.
"Holy Europe" (Aki Cederberg) knyga - anglų k., Arcana Europa Media - 44,00 Eur
"A cultivated soul is one in which the noise of the living does not drown out the music of the dead."— Nicolás Gómez Dávila
”Toteninsel”, a new album by Gerhard Hallstatt’s Allerseelen has recently been released. It features contributions by a various dramatis personae, myself included.
Almost three decades ago, I received issues of Gerhard's periodical titled AORTA and AHNSTERN (later published in book-form as BLUTLEUCHTE), as well as ALLERSEELEN albums.
These technosophic soundscapes and written tracts exploring various esoteric themes, personalities and places in Gerhard’s poetic style were a strong early inspiration for me – little envelopes of pure magic, glimpses into hidden worlds.
It is therefore an honor to again participate on this Allerseelen album on a track titled ”Liekki” (”Flame”).
Listen to / Order from:…/30965953-Allerseelen-Toteninsel-
Order at Arcana Europa Media (US) or Amazon (EU).
It is the hidden source of cultural vitality and a mysterious wellspring of renewal.
Part travelogue, part memoir, and part spiritual autobiography, Holy Europe is the story of one man’s quest in search of the holiness that still abides in the land of his birth: in sacrificial groves and grottoes, sacred trees and ancient monuments, runestones, and inspired works of art and architecture created by the visionaries of recent centuries. These are the reservoirs of an age-old tradition of holiness that could rejuvenate European culture, opening the hearts and enlivening the spirits of her wayward sons and daughters.
Idealistic and irreverent, heartfelt and witty, Holy Europe is a guided tour through the secret histories of a continent. As the distillation of the author’s journeys over many years, this impressive compendium of word and image represents a timely and poetic clarion call.
AKI CEDERBERG was born in Helsinki, Finland. His first book Journeys in the Kali Yuga (Inner Traditions, 2017) chronicled his travels to discover the unbroken magical traditions of the East. Aki conducts rites and rituals in accord with Finnic spiritual tradition, and is chief editor of Porvoon Kipina, a magazine focusing on esotericism, history, art, and culture.
Holy Europe is illustrated with photographs taken by the author’s wife and traveling companion JUSTINE CEDERBERG.